
Top 5 coats


It’s not only hard to find a pair boots, but it is also hard to find a coat that you love so much you wouldn’t mind wearing it all the time regardless of the occasion. During the winter, I always feel paralyzed by the cold. Looking good goes out the window (I have, as a matter of le fact, worn snow pants to go to work. Childhood memories. Les petits plaisirs de la vie). I do not care if I look totally crazy, because I do not have time for cold feet, cold face, cold hands and having my neck out for a cold to get to me. Merci, mais non merci.

Avoir l’air cool, même quand le froid chicotte, c’est bien, mais entre « être » et « parraître », je préfère être bien emmitouflée.

Nonetheless, there is nothing like a good find. My friend Serena actually found this long wool tan coat in a vintage store. Yes. You know that coat you WISH you were able to rock, like it’s not a big deal? Well, Serena pulls it off so perfectly, all I want to do is to snatch it off her and wear it myself. On the plus side, it’s WARM and LONG and it’s WOOL and it’s always been on trend (before Yeezus switched up Kimberly Noel Kardashian West style and somehow put it on the map again for those who were not into long coats or menswear, y’knoooow). And really it can be any color. As you may know by now, I like to buy simple pieces, same model, different colours (as many as possible).

Cela étant dit, here are my top 5 coats (whether it’s warm or not. Bloop!):

top 5 coats
De la marque Sinequanone – Jules Romantique
TNA parka - Bancroft
TNA parka – Bancroft
top 5 coats2
Soia & Kyo
top 5 coats3
House of Mackage
Giorgia Tordini dans un manteau de sa propre création - Rêve
Giorgia Tordini dans un manteau de sa propre création – Rêve

Bisous & thank you for reading!

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